Jon, I don't consider your post taking shots at Dr T. She has been rock-solid on this clotshot from the beginning, in fact predicting "unexplained death" of healthy people within 14-18 months of the 2-shot treatment.

I especially appreciate your point on defilement of the body, that it comes not from what goes in, but what comes from it. It made me start to consider sin in both the acceptance and the administration of the clotshot. I don't know why there is any distinction between the various unhealthy things we ingest or the shots themselves, but I'll stick with shots.

Considering bringing it into the body:

The unknowing public follows the advice of all the "experts" and governmental organizations, mandates, and all the touting of the shots to "stop the spread, protect yourself, lessen your illness," considering this a sin is contrary to someone defiling one's own body by intake.

But what of the person accepting a dangerous substance into one's body with knowledge that the effects are a danger? Or subjecting your children to such injection? One of the many doctors we had to visit during 2021 was a strong pusher of the jabs - "Do it so your grandkids can come over and not be subject to the eeevil virus! I did it to my kids." I wonder if he'll ever have grandchildren.

Legally, ignorance is no defense, right?

But, what of the jabbers? The one physician I mentioned above was not a virologist or immunologist so not an "expert" on that particular field (he certainly has a very good reputation in his field); he bought into the "official" line of thinking and was eager to spread it. Sinful? I certainly call it unprofessional - pushing jabs causes harm. Even my readings at the time were sufficient to question the "official line," to include the writings and interviews of our beloved Dr T, and I've only been reinforced in my decision on the shot.

In any event, I appreciate your taking the time to post this and your interaction with Dr T. I consider her to be an outstanding leader in the fraud that has been foisted upon, well, the entire world. And I wouldn't take your interaction with her in any way but positive.

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Thanks Chris. I definitely prefer fighting people that are on the wrong side to picking fights in our own house, whatever my wife and Taylor claim about me wanting to fight all the time.

The whole thing has sort of set us all adrift hasn't it? So much implicit trust that will never come back. We sorta thought that we were sceptical of our society before but I think that to so many of us the whole thing seems completely rotten now. I really don't see any hope for American society, or modernity in general, anymore. My hope for the people is that the society will die quietly and painlessly so that we can move on from the dying to something new.

I know that there are a lot of people counting on government and retirement accounts and things, but I sorta feel like they are all gonna be disappointed anyway, might as well get it over with. That's pretty depressing. But that is where I am lately. Maybe you should start writing an Easter sermon because I am not much good for light at the end of the tunnel these days.

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Putting things into your body, per the Biblical quotes Jon provides, is clearly describing food & beverages - it is digested and eliminated. That's where the jabs differ - they are not digested and eliminated in the classic sense, and in fact they do seem to shed; furthermore there is no clear evidence that the proteins, LNPs, and synthetic mRNA are eliminated.

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You are absolutely right about the biological specifics but the general principle remains that putting things into the body cannot make it unclean as the list Christ gives us of those things which can make it unclean makes clear, 'For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.' so although Christ's explanation to the disciples has an appearance of agreeing with your point His earlier words, 'Hear Me, everyone, and understand: There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man.' cannot be neglected.

I would point out the in this passage he uses 'heart' in a metaphorical non-biological sense as far as I can tell, which is to say that jabs cause myocarditis and other vascular issues but that that isn't related to the point He is making.

I think of it as a One Way Street- the mind or soul can defile the body but not the other way around. It is kind of like 'headship' the mind/soul can infect the body because it is the head, just like Adam's sin can infect us because he is our head. The body can't infect the soul in the same way that my sin can't be transmitted to Adam.

Thanks for reading and especially for commenting.

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Yes I don't disagree with you. I do believe it is possible to sin in many ways without realizing it, which is why we need and appreciate and love grace.

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Yep - me too.

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