May 3, 2023Liked by Jon Cutchins

KISS.....keep it simple.....:) - Very simple - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2020/11/are-we-governed-by-humans.html?m=0 - whether we're talking government, politics, culture, education, entertainment, economics, religion or whatever....it's Satan's world.....because DaChurch ain't doing its job!

Yup - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/04/jesus-christ-to-his-church-do-your-job.html?m=0 - read and research it yourself....or is that too much to ask?

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I read some of your page it is interesting. I'll have to know you better to put it all in context before I form any opinions.

I have been thinking lately that a lot of the problems stem from the anti-authoritarianism that came out of the Enlightenment. The church digested too much of that and is afraid to use her legitimate God-given authority to protect the sheep. Weakness in the pulpit and a lack of clarity about our calling. Anyway, I am most interested in hearing your take. Thanks for coming by and definitely thanks for commenting. Love and peace, jc

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Jon - thanks for asking for 'my take' but I'm really not the brains here - I'm basically DaLibrarian connecting some dots. I explain that at www.crushlimbraw.com which begins the narrative. Everything I have learned has come from reading....what others have written........and I pray with the blessing of a good dose of the Spirit of God.

Keep writing!

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